Notice Board Corner
Welcome to Tax Appeal Khulna
The National Board of Revenue (NBR) is the central authority for tax administration in Bangladesh. Administratively, it is the attached department to the Internal Resources Division (IRD) of the Ministry of Finance (MoF). MoF has 4 Divisions, namely, the Finance Division the Internal Resources Division (IRD), the Banking Division and the Economic Relations Division (ERD). Each division is headed by a Secretary to the Government. Secretary, IRD is the ex-officeo Chairman of NBR. NBR is responsible for the formulation and continuous re-appraisal of tax-policies and tax-laws in Bangladesh.
Negotiating tax treaties with foreign governments and participating in inter-ministerial deliberations on economic issues having a bearing on fiscal policies and tax administration are also NBR’s responsibilities. The main responsibility of NBR is to mobilize domestic resources through the collection of import duties and taxes, VAT and income tax for the government. Side by side with collection of taxes, facilitation of international trade through quick clearance of import and export cargoes has also emerged as a key role of NBR. Other responsibilities include administration of matters related to taxes, duties and other revenue related fees/charges and prevention of smuggling. Under the overall control of IRD, NBR administers the excise, VAT, customs and income-tax services consisting of 3434 officers of various grades and 10195 supporting staff positions. Negotiating tax treaties with foreign governments and participating in inter-ministerial deliberations on economic issues having a bearing on fiscal policies and tax administration are also NBR’s responsibilities. The main responsibility of NBR is to mobilize domestic resources through the collection of import duties and taxes, VAT and income tax for the government. Side by side with collection of taxes, facilitation of international trade through quick clearance of import and export cargoes has also emerged as a key role of NBR.
Contact Us
Address : Tax Appeal Office Khulna ,
House-144 , Road-11,
Mujgunny R/A, Boyra, Khulna-9000
Tell: 02477700349
Fax: 02477702126